In the instance just before death
When all of life's deeds are revealed in that last breath
And my falts are judged by the Powers of Just
Remembering the sins created in lust
Seeing the hurt in the hearts of those I descived
My intents were good, so I believed
My soul being forced to feel the pain
Once bestowed by me, like the pouring rain
Had I known the truth while my body lived
Would i not have done the things I did
And in that instance, what would I give
For just one chance at my life to relive
To go back and right the wrongs
To add the sweet gift of love to another's songs
I would take the pain I so readily dealt out
And toss it to the sea with a repentant shout
In that instance, revealed unto the life that is mine
Are the true feelings that have been kept hidden from thine own mind
My eyes would be
For the first time I would fully see.